Swimathon Date Changed To Allow More Time To Raise Funds
Once again, the pledge online function will be enabled on the www.tigerpolo.com, so swimmers will be able to have businesses, relatives and friends do their pledges on line. There will be an option for sponsors to bill their pledges to either their VISA or MasterCard. With these additional options, it is hoped that more funds then ever before will be raised, and the not only will there be enough to fund the pool repairs, but to provide the foundation for the fall aquatics programs as well. Which Did You Like Better - Westlake Joe's or Courtney Gross's Spaghetti Sauce?
In a wonderful show of cooperation between businesses and parents and Terra Nova High School, the annual pasta dinner was hosted on Wednesday night, March 19th in the TNHS Cafeteria. Joe's of Westlake and Swim Mother and FOTNAP member Courtney Gross both donated some wonderful sauce to put over the pasta, which was cooked on site by Coach Nicole Kafka who also got her husband Jeff to pitch in and man the boiling pots of pasta.
"It's going to be a tough fund raising year for many reasons, starting with the economy, the war and the Cal State budget shortfall" noted Orton Wisegarver, from FOTNAP, "With the added pressure of trying to raise the funds for the pool repair, and facing into a significant cut in school athletic funds for the fall, we really have to get creative." "Last year we raised nearly $23,000 for the year, which paid for coaches, referees, transportation and athletic supplies and this year we need to do that and raise an additional $10,000 for the pool". The "Taste-Off" between Joe's of Westlake and Courtney Gross's sauce proved to be a very narrow victory for the home-made taste of Courtney's secret family recipe sauce. "I like both, but this tastes home-made, and that's what I like" said one of the swimmers. Parents and swimmers alike were grateful to both for so generously contributing the wonderful sauces -- all in all, more than 8 gallons of sauce and close to 30 pounds of pasts was cooked for the evening!. Team Members and Team Parents brought salads and desserts, garlic bread and soda and all the rest of the trimmings to make it a really wonderful and festive affair. During the course of the evening, a request for donations to help support the aquatics programs resulted in more than $500 being raised for the event, which after all the good food and camaraderie was a very wonderful and unexpected bonus for the evening. |